Markdown Cheatsheet

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Markdown Syntax CheatSheet

Adding headers

Heading 1

Type # Heading 1 for H1 header

Heading 2

# Heading 2 for H2 header

Heading 3

# Heading 3 for H3 header

Heading 4

# Heading 4 for H4 header

Heading 5

# Heading 5 for H5 header

Heading 6

# Heading 6 for H6 header


1. Unordered Lists

  • Unordered List 1
  • Unordered List 2
  • Unordered List 3
  • Unordered List 4

Type a star (*) and then a space to start creating Unordered Lists.

  • Unordered List 1
  • Unordered List 2
  • Unordered List 3
  • Unordered List 4

2. Ordered Lists

  1. Ordered List 1
  2. Ordered List 2
  3. Ordered List 3
  4. Ordered List 4

Notice, even if I initiate the OL with 1., in the output it actually increments the list by 1. Clever!

Type a number, followed by a dot (.) and a space to start creating Ordered Lists.

  1. Ordered List 1
  2. Ordered List 2
  3. Ordered List 3
  4. Ordered List 4

Formatting text

Bold Text

Wrap your text with double stars (**)

Example: **Bold Text**


Wrap your text with single star / astrisk (*) or underscores (_)

Example: *Italics*

Example: Italics

++Underlining your text++


Note - Doesn’t showup on all the editors.

==Highlight your text==


Note - Doesn’t showup on all the editors.

Strike through

Wrap your text with double tilde (~~)

Example: ~~Strike through~~

Code Blocks

Wrap your code with three tiks. Pro Tip: Mention the language of the code after the first three tiks to make it more appropriate. Syntax highlighting.

import numpy as np
array = np.zeros(5)
print("array", array)

Quote a line

This is a quoted text!

Start with a greater than symbol to quote the line.

Ex: > This is a quoted text!

Checkboxes /Task Lists

Note - Doesn’t showup on all the editors. Works on github.

[] Checkbox 1

[x] Checkbox 2

[] Checkbox 3

Insert Stuff

Insert Images


You can also add images from the local directories using relative path.


[Google](, "click me, I'm")

Click to Download MarkDown CheatSheet Here

[Click to Download MarkDown CheatSheet Here](../markdown-cheatsheet.pdf)

Horizontal Rule

Method 1: --- Three hyphens will create a horizontal rule.

Method 2: ___ Three underscores will also create a HR.

Method 2: *** Three underscores will also create a HR.

Escape a markdown syntax

Add a slash \ to escape the markdown syntax.

Creating Tables

Name Number
John Doe 123-456-7890
Jane Doe 098-765-4321
Contact Me 111-111-1111
Dont contact me 000-000-0000


  • I would like to thank godcrampy for the cheatsheets